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1 ago. 2018 — These drugs can lead to yellow staining of teeth or gray / black discoloration. Extrinsic tooth discoloration is classified into two types, .... por MDS Arun Kumar — Drugs, mouth rinses, physical agents, or common environmental chemicals ... Therefore, teeth of elderly persons are usually more yellow or .... 7 mar. 2016 — Club drugs – Speed and ecstacy cause severe tooth decay, dry mouth, and a lot of jaw clenching and teeth grinding. Heroin – This drug is often .... 15 jun. 2021 — The medication caused either gray, brown, or yellow discoloration, which was embedded into the tooth enamel. Since children exposed to .... 5 ago. 2019 — 2) Medication Side Effects. Sometimes both prescription and non-prescription medications can cause yellow teeth in both children and adults. Has .... 7.23), and the yellow/grey discoloration resulting from administration of ... The effects of drugs on teeth include extrinsic and intrinsic staining, .... 4 jun. 2020 — Medications: It has long been known that certain drugs discolor teeth in developing children. The antibiotics tetracycline and doxycycline can .... Medications, such as doxycycline and tetracycline, can darken teeth for children younger than 8 years old. Some antihistamines, drugs for high blood pressure .... 9 abr. 2021 — A particular type of medicine which may lead to staining is tetracycline . As a broad-spectrum antibiotic, it is used in a wide variety of .... por A Kumar · 2012 · Mencionado por 52 — The problem of tooth discoloration is emerging in our society because of the poor oral hygiene, physical agents, environmental chemicals, .... Various medications can directly or indirectly result in tooth. ... is an antiseptic that can cause yellow-brown staining through precipitation caused by .... 25 ago. 2015 — Tetracycline, the first one, has been used for many years for a lot of common infections; however, it's been known, and actually right back to .... 7 nov. 2016 — Check the medicine cabinet – some prescriptions can turn teeth colors, from unflattering yellow to unusual blue.. Some drugs can cause tooth damage. Some drugs cause a condition called 'dry mouth', which significantly increases the risk of tooth decay.. 8 sep. 2020 — Antihistamines (like Benadryl), antipsychotic drugs, and drugs ... Yellow. As you age, the white enamel surface of your teeth may wear down.. 3 feb. 2020 — Below are drugs that are most often associated with damage to the teeth, gums, jaw, and oral hygiene: Cocaine: This potent stimulant affects the .... 10 jul. 2018 — Undergoing chemotherapy treatments as well as radiation to the head and neck can result in intrinsic stains. Even some relatively common drugs, .... REASON #4 You're on Medication. Certain medications, such as the antibiotics doxycycline and tetracycline, can darken the teeth of children younger than 8 years ... 060951ff0b